AKA Sorority, Aspire Academy Partner To Inspire Students To Love Reading

Shyla Wadlington, Library Media Specialist at Aspire Academy, is partnering with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Gamma Omega Chapter in St. Louis, Missouri to help Aspire students have access to more books and inspire a love of reading. The Ivy Readers Program began at the start of the 2023-2024 school year. The reading initiative focuses on early learning and mastery of basic reading skills by the end of third grade.

The Ivy Readers Program Volunteers spent several days in the summer volunteering their time sorting, boxing, and cleaning up Aspire Academy’s library to get it ready for returning students.

Jamie Redding, Ivy Readers Committee Chairman in St. Louis, is very excited about this partnership with Aspire Academy.  As a result, The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Gamma Omega St. Louis Chapter, has pledged to donate 1908 books, 25 picture dictionaries, and several visiting readers to Aspire Academy during the 2023-2024 school year.

In August, Ms. Wadlington and Ms. Redding attended The Friends of St. Charles City-County Library Book Drive in St. Charles, Missouri. This is the largest book fair in St. Louis and Aspire Academy received 88 books with an estimated value of $1,140.  Later that month, Aspire Academy received 25 picture dictionaries with an estimated value of $450. During Phase 1 of The Ivy Readers Book Pledge, Aspire Academy received $1,590 worth of books from The Ivy Readers Program!

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated was founded on January 15, 1908 at Howard University in Washington, DC by 20 African American women who strived to be of service to all mankind.